Attitudes toward dietary adversity
"Scott W" wrote
>As for potassium, it can be a problem, but I gather that as long as it
>is not too high in the blood it is not too much of a worry. Phosphorus
Ok back without all the odd stuff and green colors etc.
I note a discrepancy. One page had corn as ok, another as not ok. Possibly
different amounts of potassium 'allowed' for it. What is really hard, is to
hit a low potassium diet and a low protein one at the same time. Very
limited. Like you cant have brussel sprouts, *asian* cabbage, or cooked
>would seem to be more of a worry, but easier to avoid. I went off
>today to get my potassium, phosphorus and calcium levels check, I
>should have the results tonight to tomorrow. Potatoes have a huge
Let me know what they say there? I have several recipes now in mind, all
low sodium, low protein, and low potassium, but it's a limited set. You
wouldnt want to live on it, but could be if they spark your interest, they
could be some of what you'd eat.
3rd message will be recipes <Grin>. They are based on mostly the 'National
Kidney Foundation' web page information. I wont know how to calculate the
exact amounts, but each will use just allowed things.
>Rice seems to be a very good base for low protein cooking, it does not
>have too much protein and also not all that much of other things that
>would be bad. But as with most things relating to diet and kidneys
>everything is backwards, white rice is preferred over brown rice. If
That would be due to the kernal. I suspect (but did not see it listed) that
you should stick to mostly processed (polished) long grains too. When I
post the recipes in the next message, you'll doubtless see mostly calrose
medium grain. This is the asian standard 'sticky rice' and it is supposed
to be higher in protein. Please adapt to one more suitable ok? Then ask
and see if the dietician knows. If you have to eat alot more rice than is
your normal bent, and sticky (medium grain) turns out ok for you, then
you'll find it has more flavor which is why it is so well valued in Asian
>I do a vegetarian rice dish I will normally come out at around 13
>grams of protein, add one ounce of meat and it is up to 20 grams,
>which is the most I would want to get in one meal. With just one
Ok, so we look to under 20g of protein for any meals. I think I can get
well under that.
>ounce of meat you can pretty much leave it out and not tell the
>difference in taste, so I am eating far more vegetarian meals then I
>ever thought I would.
Depends on what the meat is. Good thing I am 'asian trained' after 6.5
years in Japan. Meat there, is often just used as a garnish.
Other than trying to hit heart healthy levels, I will presume no particular
problem with fats so that a 2ts amount of bacon fat per serving would be ok.
How much potassium would be in that, would depend on the type of cure.
Since I don't know what foods you actively dislike, I can't avoid them
<grin>. I suggest though that you 'experiment' with new ones if any are on
the 'good lists' you will see on the web, but arent familiar to you.
Ok, off to go strip out some recipes for ya.