Thread: Dang it!
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Ophelia[_4_] Ophelia[_4_] is offline
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Default Dang it!

Cathy N wrote:
> Hi! My name is Cathy and I lurk a lot...
> I noticed you all were discussing Jeff Foxworthy. He wrote a
> particularly sensitive and accurate description of a redneck.
> "Redneck" per Foxworthy, "means a glorious absence of sophistication".
> I am from South Texas and I am a full-fledged redneck. It's true we
> do take a lot of grief from "ignernt" folks who think we are all a
> bunch of podunks... Rural Southerners definitely have a distinct way
> of thinking, and for the most part, we don't subscribe to the
> politically correct ways of society. I mean, we don't set out to
> insult anyone, but we can be painfully blunt and honest. But, we
> always heard that's a good thing.
> We have a "Say what you mean and mean what you say" attitude. It's a
> plainspokenness that gains us the dullerd reputation, I suspect.
> While some of us have a few teeth missing and date our cousins, others
> among us hold doctorates.... If you are in a confrontation where you
> wished like heck you had someone to watch your back, you'd better hope
> it's a redneck.
> We are not a stupid bunch, although some of the more uneducated give
> us a bad name... We are a pretty great bunch of citizens. In a
> disaster, we are the first on the scene to help, if threatened, we
> are among the first there to defend. We think we have a decent
> handle on what's right & wrong and teach our kids accordingly. We
> want them to grow up to be good little rednecks, too!
> Anyway, I thought I would pipe in and put in my two cents. Nice group
> you have here!
> Cathy from Texas

What a lovely post Thank you Cathy

btw Us Yorkshire folks have the reputation of calling a 'spade' a 'bloody