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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default What's for Supper??!!?

Don't you just hate when you can't make up your mind what to cook for
supper? When all the old standbys just don't appeal?

That was my dillimma <sp??> tonight...Finally decided on summer sausage
cooked in the oven with saur kraut, apples and onion. So I burried the
summer sausage in kraut threw in a sliced granny smith, and a sliced up
white onion...loads of carraway seeds. Preheat oven to 350F

I'm not sure how this will turn out. I figure 1.5 to 2 hours and it'll be


The house of the burning beet-Alan

It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore