What's for Supper??!!?
"kilikini" > wrote in
> hahabogus wrote:
>> Don't you just hate when you can't make up your mind what to cook for
>> supper? When all the old standbys just don't appeal?
>> That was my dillimma <sp??> tonight...Finally decided on summer
>> sausage cooked in the oven with saur kraut, apples and onion. So I
>> burried the summer sausage in kraut threw in a sliced granny smith,
>> and a sliced up white onion...loads of carraway seeds. Preheat oven
>> to 350F
>> I'm not sure how this will turn out. I figure 1.5 to 2 hours and
>> it'll be ready.
> Hmmm, that sounds like something I could do for the hubby tonight.
> Allan didn't work today (got rained out) so we went to the grocery
> store. He picked up Kielbasa sausage and I have a can of sauerkraut
> in my cupboard, so a meal similar to yours is do-able. We also got
> some chicken leg quarters and have some frozen tilapia and pollock
> fillets. Oh, and we got ground beef from the local butcher shop. He
> already cooked collards with bacon and that's sitting on the stove,
> simmering, while he's napping. I steamed some green beans with bacon
> bits for me. It's almost bothersome when you have so many options,
> isn't it?
> What to do, what to do....... :~)
> kili
Well it was good but next time I'll add a pinch of hot pepper just to add
some zing to the kraut. I'd forgotten how bland it gets when you cook it.
The house of the burning beet-Alan
It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore