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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default What's for Supper??!!?

hahabogus wrote:
> Don't you just hate when you can't make up your mind what to cook for
> supper? When all the old standbys just don't appeal?
> That was my dillimma <sp??> tonight...Finally decided on summer sausage
> cooked in the oven with saur kraut, apples and onion. So I burried the
> summer sausage in kraut threw in a sliced granny smith, and a sliced up
> white onion...loads of carraway seeds. Preheat oven to 350F
> I'm not sure how this will turn out. I figure 1.5 to 2 hours and it'll be
> ready.

We just finished eating at 2145 hours. Hubby and I went to the
commissary about 1730 hours and spent $400 on groceries. Had to haul it
home and we worked together to get it all put away. Then grilled chicken
breasts just with lemon pepper seasoning (a freebie Penzey's sent me to
try!), rice and kimchi (a new extra spice jar fresh from the commissary.
I've been craving some), a big salad (baby greens, cherry tomatoes,
cuke, green onion, olive oil, salt, pepper and vinegar dressing) and
then sliced fresh strawberries in from Florida. I didn't know
strawberries from FL were already arriving at the markets because I'm so
cold-how can they be growing down there?!?!
Some fresh lemon juice I needed to use up mixed with leftover diet tonic
water for a beverage... not bad. Not great, but not bad either.

I'm feeling pretty smug with productiveness tonight