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Mike Romain
external usenet poster
Posts: 299
JUST HIT DELETE Do not read this post, removing spam from Google
TG wrote:
> Removing spam from google
Just what in your wildest imagination do you imagine you are doing?
You 'cannot' remove posts from Usenet, once they are posted, they are
there forever.
This is 'not' Google Groups, this is Usenet. Even Google groups allows
Spammers to Spam without recourse. You can complain to: Complaints-To:
from their header, but it is a waste of time.
All you are doing is adding to a Spam thread like I am doing right now.
If you want to stop the Spammer, you need to go after their ISP's with
complaints. In this case gmail and blogspot. You can go to that
blogspot and flag it for objectionable content which won't get you
anywhere either but maybe make you feel good.
Some bread photos:
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Mike Romain
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