Thread: Dutch Ovens
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Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] is offline
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Default Dutch Ovens

In article >,
Goomba38 > wrote:

> Oh bake indeed! Every once in a while on either the FoodTV channel, or
> perhaps Discovery/Travel channel I run across a show about a cowboy
> cooking contest up in Montana or some place out in the wilds where they
> put on entire meals made in cast iron dutch ovens. Very impressive
> results from what I've seen.

I've eaten from the cover-with-a-lip, three-footed cast iron dutch ovens
heated by the coals of a campfire. The campfire is started by somebody
who likes to get up on a cold morning and start a fire.
After the fire has died down and campers get ready for the day, meat,
potatoes, onions and/or other things are added to the iron pot, the lid
is affixed and the oven is surrounded and covered by campfire coals.
Then the whole thing is covered in dirt.
When the day is done and everyone is hungry, the dutch oven is carefully
unburied, dusted off, opened and serves a dandy substitute for a slow
cooker meal. All done while the outdoor folks were doing whatever
outdoor folk do during the day.
