Thread: Carl's Jr.
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MaryMc MaryMc is offline
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Default Carl's Jr.

On 2008-01-21 03:17:27 -0800, Blinky the Shark > said:

> Steve Pope wrote:
>> Even back when I ate fast food, I mostly avoided Carl's Jr. due to
>> Karcher's rightist politics.

> Okay, I wouldn't even know about the politics of someone like that. Do you
> actually research the founders/owners/officers of companies to determine
> if you will use their products?

Not a s a rule--but when thery're way out there fo all to see, I do
take note. Karcher's active support for extreme right-wing causes goes
way back. He was biggest financial supporter of the Briggs Initiative
in California, the first anti-*** ballot initiative, back in 1978 (it
would have fired all *** teachers and public school employees, and
anyone who put forth the opinion that being *** was an acceptable way
to live). He was a big supporter of John Schmitz, who was a far-right
loony and John Birch Society member (and, at the time, the state
senator for my district in Newport Beach). He gave to the campaign to
defeat the Equal righta Ammendment, and anti-choice organizations, and
oher causes I strongly disagreed with.

He had the perfect right to do all that, of course--I just wans't
willing to give him any of my money to do it with.


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