Thread: Carl's Jr.
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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Carl's Jr.

MaryMc > wrote:

> Blinky the Shark > said:

>> Steve Pope wrote:

>>> Even back when I ate fast food, I mostly avoided Carl's Jr. due to
>>> Karcher's rightist politics.

>> Okay, I wouldn't even know about the politics of someone like that. Do you
>> actually research the founders/owners/officers of companies to determine
>> if you will use their products?

>Not a s a rule--but when thery're way out there fo all to see, I do
>take note. Karcher's active support for extreme right-wing causes goes
>way back. He was biggest financial supporter of the Briggs Initiative
>in California, the first anti-*** ballot initiative, back in 1978 (it
>would have fired all *** teachers and public school employees, and
>anyone who put forth the opinion that being *** was an acceptable way
>to live). He was a big supporter of John Schmitz, who was a far-right
>loony and John Birch Society member (and, at the time, the state
>senator for my district in Newport Beach). He gave to the campaign to
>defeat the Equal rights Ammendment, and anti-choice organizations, and
>other causes I strongly disagreed with.

Thanks for filling in the details.

I would have to add that anyone U.S.-based (or at least, in California)
who hasn't heard about Karcher's politics probably doesn't follow
these issues to begin with.
