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Mike Romain Mike Romain is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 299
Default Mike Romain only should read this post. Though now you probablywon't.

Bud, instead of you coming across as a drunken idiot as usual, like I
could have mentioned, I thought I was quite polite seeing as you
obviously like to get all drunked up and rant at me since day one on
this group.

You also might have read my advice on how to legitimately stop Spammers.
It actually works and some totally offensive posts 'will' get removed
from some ISP's.

'I' actually 'went' to the blogspot and registered a 'legitimate'
complaint instead of wining about it here in the group. If enough others
did the same, that Spam page will get taken down by Blogspot.

But if it makes you feel better to shoot your mouth off uselessly
instead, don't let me stop ya.

Some bread photos:

TG wrote:
> Mike instead of being an arrogant prick, read the subject line. I was
> removing the header from Google, that way nobody reading in the Google
> group would be duped into looking at this spam which would otherwise
> remain like and illegal snare for years. If you were not such an
> egocentric you might have entertained the idea that not everyone reads
> the posts the same way that you do. If you were not so intent on being
> a prick and trying to make me look as dumb as you obviously are you
> might have realised what was going on and done as the thousand other
> readers have done and hit delete.
> Good grief if someone said don't shoot yourself in the head would you
> just go ahead and do it? On your way past the butchers pick up a brain
> and have it installed, you need the upgrade.
> Jim
> On 18 Jan, 15:31, Mike Romain > wrote:
>> TG wrote:
>>> Removing spam from google

>> Just what in your wildest imagination do you imagine you are doing?
>> You 'cannot' remove posts from Usenet, once they are posted, they are
>> there forever.
>> This is 'not' Google Groups, this is Usenet. Even Google groups allows
>> Spammers to Spam without recourse. You can complain to: Complaints-To:
>> from their header, but it is a waste of time.
>> All you are doing is adding to a Spam thread like I am doing right now.
>> If you want to stop the Spammer, you need to go after their ISP's with
>> complaints. In this case gmail and blogspot. You can go to that
>> blogspot and flag it for objectionable content which won't get you
>> anywhere either but maybe make you feel good.
>> Mike
>> Some bread photos:
