Your best crab cake recipe?
just joe wrote:
> >> >
> >> > They really turn out best deep fried. Short of that, I use 1/2 inch
> >> > neutral
> >> > oil in a skillet at 350F. Drain on paper towels or brown paper. The
> >> > butter
> >> > is already in the cake.
> >> >
> >>
> >> sorry, guess i'm just some numbnutts w/ 20 crab traps that's never
> >> learned
> >> jack about crab.
> >
> > In other words you are claiming expert status in all things crab. OK.
> > Whatever.
> >
> > if i wasn't so fookin' stoopid i'd try the broiler if i
> >> couldn't fire up the grill. but if you have to fry them, don't use butter
> >> (low smoking temp). try canola and do it quick and hot. i just love how
> > the
> >> oil coats the walls of the kitchen, makes cleanup a dream.
> >
> > How astute of you to realize that my post was a stealth criticism of YOU.
> >
> > Broiling will release oil into the air far worse than frying. I've never
> > had greasy stains in my kitchen even on the cove moldings and I fry food
> > al
> > the time. Done right, it is a superb cooking method and for teaching me
> > how
> > to do it right I thank Alton Brown.
> >
> > And the best crabs for cakes don't come from Alaska. I dig king,
> > dungeness
> > and opillos under the broiler but you can't beat rock, stone or blue for
> > cakes. That's just this landlubbers useless opinion anyway.
> >
> > Paul
> >
> >
> whoa skippy, if you're having a flare up you can borrow my prep h, but you
> have to provide your own applicator. not sure where you live but when
> someone calls themselves numbnutts and fookin' stoopid and you declare they
> are claiming expert status...........
> have you tried crab cakes cooked over a grill? my traps allow me a lot of
> experiments, to the point that we've just been tired of crab. given the
> chance, i'll grill over deep fry. i can still get a crispy exterior but
> added hints of smoke. and cleanup / dealing with used oil is so much easier.
> i am doing a little head scratching on how broiling crab cakes will release
> more oil if there is no oil. crabs are not a very fatty animal.
> alton brown is very entertaining, please don't share with me if you follow
> the directions given in his beer making show.
> i just loooooooooove stealth criticism, i can stealthily ignore it.
> it's spelled "opilio"
> you like crabs under the broiler? glad i'm not one of your local experts.
> joe
> petersburg (who also has opinions on shrimp) alaska
I'm pretty sure I'd be equally happy whether you placed a plate of
grilled crab cakes in front of me, or fried ones. What are your opinions
on shrimp?