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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Question about rotisserie ovens (free standing)

"Ball of Fluff" wrote:
> We had purchased a Ronco rotisserie oven. For several months, it was great,
> the food was terrific. I liked a lot of the features.
> But it broke. My husband, an electronics tech, said it was rather cheaply
> made, and we became annoyed and threw it out rather than fixing it.
> We would like to buy a new one. We would like one that is large capacity- so
> I'm thinking 1.5 cu ft. We want to be able to roast a ten pound bird. Also
> one with a timer of two or more hours would be good...some of the ones we
> saw only went up to 60 minutes at a time.
> My questions a are there any makes/models that anyone here recommends
> other than Ronco?
> Also-- the Ronco had baskets where you could grill vegetables, cook bacon,
> etc. I did a net search and saw quite a few accessories for
> convection/rotisserie ovens and saw that things like that are sold. I was
> wondering if I purchased, say, a Franklin Chef or a Haier or some other make
> convection/rotisserie oven, if we could use the baskets in it...I was
> wondering if it's sort of a universal thing where they'd fit just about any
> rotisserie oven.
> Anyway, any feedback anyone has would be appreciated. We really liked the
> one we had but want one that is constructed a bit better so we really don't
> want to go back to the Ronco brand.
> Claire