sf wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 14:01:12 -0800, Blinky the Shark >
> wrote:
>>sf wrote:
>>> On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 00:18:26 -0800, Blinky the Shark
>>> > wrote:
>>>>It's weird that as much as we all think we know the word "gullible"
>>>>it's not actually in the dictionaries.
>>> Maybe not in your watery dictionaries, Blinky, but M-W has a definition
>>> for "gullible": easily duped or cheated.
>>Speaking of watery, you're the third fish I caught with the old Usenet
>>"gullible trick". 
> Yeah, riiiiiight. Sharks don't troll.
Hey, that wasn't trolling. Well, not the bad kind.
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