I wish I could find a good person to shapen kives near me (central
I finally broke down and got a whetstone and some angle guides and it seemed
to make them sharper but now I am not so sure I did it right.
I have a few globals and they were razor sharp right after sharpening (a
week ago) and now they arnt. I was afaride my angle was too acute but the
guides are global too....
Any suggestions for self sharpening with a stone?
"Steve B" > wrote in message
> A mystic has built up around Global knives being sharpened to a more
> acute angle than other knives, but it is untrue. Globals are
> sharpened at the factory with a standard bevel of about 22 degrees,
> followed by a coarse belt to round off the bevel transition, finally by
> a fine belt to strop the cutting edge. You can definitely tell they
> were belts or soft wheels because of the convex edge shape.
> Global steel is harder than most kitchen knives, but not as hard as a
> good custom knife. It is not difficult to sharpen with normal methods.
> I sharpen Globals with a wet wheel, then hone and strop with paper
> wheels. My wife and customers say they are as sharp as when new.
> Steve
> --
> Sharpening Made Easy: A Primer on Sharpening Knives and Other Edged
> Tools by Steve Bottorff Copyright January 2002 Knife World Publications
> www.sharpeningmadeeasy.com
> E-mail: steve AT sharpeningmadeeasy DOT com