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AxisOfBeagles[_2_] AxisOfBeagles[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 118
Default Gallons per vine

Some variables that you have to consider;
* Where you are - upper midwest versus California kind of thing.
* White versus red - reds tend to press out at more wine per ton due to
on-skin fermentation.
* Variety - there are noticeable differences in cluster weight between
different varietals.
* Pruning and spacing - how you space your vines and how they are
pruned significantly affect per-vine production.

I am in the Sierra Foothills of northern california. I have 170 vines
spaced 10x6, vertical shoot positioning trellising and spur pruning.
The Syrah and Marsanne yield around 8 pounds per vine, sometimes a
little more - but I thin in pursuit of quality versus quantity. It
would probably be pretty easy to push that up to 10 pounds per vine. My
Cabernet Sauvignon produce less weight per vine (smaller clusters) -
maybe 7 pounds per vine.

Red wines press out at about 6.5 gallons per 100 pounds of grape for
me. The whites at 5 gallons per 100 pounds - IF I am really diligent
during pressing. Less if I am wasteful.

In other words: I need 2 1/2 vines to produce a gallon of finished
white wine, and 2 vines of red wine grapes to produce a gallon of
finished wine.

As to maturity until you harvest - that will depend on what you plant
(grafted rootstock versus cutting) and your soil / climate /
irrigation. Assuming you plant field stock into a well prepared and
irrigated vineyard, and that you train and prune them effectively, you
will see fruit on the vines in the second year - which you will cut and
drop. You will then face the decision of wheter or not to harvest the
third year fruit. I never have - although it is tempting. I prefer to
cut and drop after fruit set to allow the vines to become bigger and
more established.

I'm surious - where are you, what varieties are you considering
planting, and how many vines do you think you have room for?

On 2008-01-22 03:14:00 -0800, Elston Gunn > said:

> Is the old adage one gallon of wine per vine true? I have a small lot
> and would like to plant enough to make a carboy (6 gallon/23L) per
> year. About how many vines would I need? And, am I looking at about
> 4 years from putting the vines in the ground to picking my first grape?