l, not -l wrote:
> On 22-Jan-2008, Blinky the Shark > wrote:
>> > completely serious.
>> I've pretty much interpreted your responses here - especially the one
>> about something like "lower-class posters" - as whiny responses to
>> having fallen for the setup instead of simply having a laugh like the
>> others and moving on.
> You missed the point; I was whining about the implication of being a
> newbie, not about falling for the "horseplay"
Oh. Well, good.
Well, I just didn't know now someone could've been around Usenet for very
long without seeing the gullible ploy used in fun.
>> I hope you're not as stiff and humorless in real life as you are
>> here.
> I visit the groups primarily for information exchange, not a social
> life; in real life, I am many things that I am not here.
Like social? Like enjoying yourself rather than just mining and
distributing hard facts?
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