Deviled Eggs (REC & GIF)
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Deviled Eggs (REC & GIF)
"Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 23:23:53 GMT,
> Malice) wrote:
>>One time on Usenet, Lou Decruss > said:
>>> You're lucky to have anything of your grandmothers!
>>Well, when she passed away, she left her house and belongings to
>>me, my sister, and our father, equally. DH & I wanted the house, so
>>I bought out their shares and even after they took what they wanted
>>of her stuff, I got the rest. I still have a lot of her cookware,
>>china, glassware, etc. and I do realize I'm lucky. :-)
> My great grandmother gave the house, the contents, and the bank
> account to my mother. GG had been a midwestern farmer that moved to
> the city when they were to old to farm anymore. She had an awesome
> gas stove/range in the basement that she used daily. It was a compact
> cast iron beauty! I was in my early 20's and had no interest in it,
> and neither did anyone else. I shouldn't need to finish the sad
> story. <sigh>
> Lou
DH has a sad story about a 300+ acre farm in Vermont.
Dee Dee
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