Dee.Dee wrote:
> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
> news
>> Dee.Dee wrote:
>>> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
>>> news
>>>> Dee.Dee wrote:
>>>> Was it good? Or was it simply the only place to stop for miles
>>>> around?
>>>> --
>>>> Blinky
>>> Nothing special at all. It was the only place. You would see the big
>>> billboards for miles ahead :-))
>> Countdown billboards?
> You got me a-thinkin'. I don't know if they had those "so many miles
> to..." signs then. Eisenhower started the freeway system abt 1956, so I
> don't think the freeways were in Kansas then. People weren't in such a
Those signs were a staple on the state highways; they didn't require
freeways and predated them.
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