"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >>>
>>> Stuckey's used to have "Only --- miles to Stuckey's" on local small
>>> highways.
>>> --
>>> Wayne Boatwright
>> Interesting, I've only seen Stuckey's (on the highway exits) when I moved
>> here to VA in 1993 - never heard of them before. But within 5 years, I
>> believe they were all closed down.
>> Dee Dee
> They're still around, since the 1930s.
> http://www.stuckeys.com/search.php
> --
> Wayne Boatwright
Incredible. No Stuckey's close to me except one, where we buy gas at the
truckstop exit where we get onto/off the freeway; our own exit! ...
shaking my head in wonderment ....
Stuckey's at Wilco Hess Travel Plaza of Toms Brook
I don't ever recall seeing that name or on the cc's.
Thanks, Wayne for the info.
Dee Dee