Thread: Salt substiute
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Kent Kent is offline
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Default Salt substiute

"Goomba38" > wrote in message
. ..
> Dan Abel wrote:
>> Also, salt is an essential nutrient. I was sick a few weeks ago, and my
>> consumption of everything dropped to zero, including salt. I got very
>> sick. I spent 8 hours in the ER. The primary cure was IV salt, 4 liters
>> worth. I am currently on a high salt, high calorie diet, trying to
>> recover. It feels weird, since I've spent the last several decades
>> trying to reduce salt and calories.

> It sounds like you had a case of dehydration and needed fluids, not
> saline. Normal Saline IV fluid is isotonic to the body. It does have
> sodium but no more than you normally carry around on board. We also give
> "half normal" saline frequently, depending on where we want fluids to
> travel, such as into or out of cells and interstitial space. We *rarely*
> give IV fluids with more sodium in it than your body.

I've never heard of an intervenous saline solution with a NaCl concentration
greater than .9%. Is there such a thing?