Thread: Carl's Jr.
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Dee.Dee Dee.Dee is offline
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Default Carl's Jr.

"Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Wed 23 Jan 2008 12:39:41a, Blinky the Shark told us...
>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Tue 22 Jan 2008 09:44:54p, Dee.Dee told us...
>>>>> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
>>>>> news >>>>>> Dee.Dee wrote:
>>>>>>> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
>>>>>>> news >>>>>>>> Dee.Dee wrote:
>>>>>>>> Was it good? Or was it simply the only place to stop for miles
>>>>>>>> around?
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Blinky
>>>>>>> Nothing special at all. It was the only place. You would see the
>>>>>>> big billboards for miles ahead :-))
>>>>>> Countdown billboards?
>>>>> You got me a-thinkin'. I don't know if they had those "so many miles
>>>>> to..." signs then. Eisenhower started the freeway system abt 1956, so

>> I
>>>>> don't think the freeways were in Kansas then. People weren't in such
>>>>> a hurry then to get to the next stop (basically because there weren't

>> many
>>>>> -- ;-))) I do remember the Burma Shave signs still being there.
>>>>> That was about the only entertainment. I had a Volvo bug and it was
>>>>> so damned noisy, the radio was worthless (if I had one, I don't
>>>>> remember.)
>>>>> Geez, looking back at that decade makes me depressed. Enough said!

>> I'm
>>>>> outta here.
>>>>> Dee Dee
>>>> Stuckey's used to have "Only --- miles to Stuckey's" on local small
>>>> highways.
>>> They definitely predated freeways. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've seen
>>> them in photos from the '40s and even '30s.

>> You're absolutely right.

> Re the countdown signs specifically, I'm curious enough that I emailed
> their marketing department (for lack of a general place to ask quesitons)
> and asked if they did use them and if so if they did predate the freeways.
> I doubt that I'll get an answer; answering won't make them any more money.
> But if I do I'll report back.
> --
> Blinky

I'm glad you did that. Maybe they'll just give you the answer they think
you want to hear, or do a little dance turn-around and pull the answer out
of their hat. One never knows; you may get hold of someone who is not an
"inbred." ;-)) Oh, I forgot - Stucky's is nation-wide!

I've been doing the same this afternoon -- calling a couple of places to get
an answer about some codes on cherry peppers and roasted peppers -- big

Next subject:
My freezer is just about cleaned out with the exception of some perhaps
"off" frozen mahi-mahi fillets, some strips of pre-fried bacon and
already-fried hot Italian sausage.

Better get out the cookbooks to get some new ideas -- pretty bored with it

Dee Dee