Thread: Salt substiute
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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Salt substiute

In article >,
Goomba38 > wrote:

> Dan Abel wrote:
> > Also, salt is an essential nutrient. I was sick a few weeks ago, and my
> > consumption of everything dropped to zero, including salt. I got very
> > sick. I spent 8 hours in the ER. The primary cure was IV salt, 4
> > liters worth. I am currently on a high salt, high calorie diet, trying
> > to recover. It feels weird, since I've spent the last several decades
> > trying to reduce salt and calories.
> >

> It sounds like you had a case of dehydration and needed fluids, not
> saline. Normal Saline IV fluid is isotonic to the body. It does have
> sodium but no more than you normally carry around on board. We also give
> "half normal" saline frequently, depending on where we want fluids to
> travel, such as into or out of cells and interstitial space. We *rarely*
> give IV fluids with more sodium in it than your body.

Dehydration (diabetic ketoacidosis) was the main issue. Still, my blood
didn't have enough sodium in it. They took blood twice while in the ER,
and told me my electrolytes, including sodium, were significantly below
the normal range. I took weekly blood tests after that, and it was two
full weeks before my blood sodium reached the very bottom of the normal

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA