On Wed 23 Jan 2008 06:08:34p, jmcquown told us...
> Puester wrote:
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> Graniteware and granny ware is the same thing, the latter being just
>>> a "cute" variation on the name. Both are fired porcelain enamel
>>> over steel, and both with speckles.
>> And if they chip because of handling, the area of uncoated
>> metal will rust.
>> gloria p
> I've never had one chip... knock on porcelain enamel 
> Jill
I haven't either, but it does rust if it chips. I've seen others.
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Wednesday, 01(I)/23(XXIII)/08(MMVIII)
A bird in the bush usually has a
friend in there with him.