1-1-1 Peanut-Butter Cookies
I can vouch for these cookies, they are a family favorite!!! You always
have the ingredients around, and they can be whipped together in mere
seconds when unexpected company swings by!
Duckie ® wrote:
> 1-1-1 Peanut-Butter Cookies
> 1 cup peanut butter
> 1 cup sugar
> 1 egg
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Blend well and then spoon onto a baking sheet. Flatten wide with the
> tines of a fork then turn 90 degrees and use the fork again.
> Bake at 375º for 10 minutes or until done (depends on your oven)
> Let cool on pan for 1 minute then remove to a cooling rack.
If the Second Amendment is so out of date
then shouldn't we also throw out everything written
before it? What now... "Hail The Queen?"
It's easier to preserve what we already have than
fight to regain what we have lost.