restaurant wine prices
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restaurant wine prices
In article >,
> "Kent" > wrote in message
> . ..
> >
> > "Johnny Lobster" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >>I have noticed that many restaurants near my home in Denver are
> >> raising their wine prices. They are already charging three to four
> >> times the retail cost of a bottle. When my local French bistro raised
> >> theor prices so that there were no bottles under $30, I stopped going
> >> there and let them know why.
> >>
> >> However, recently a Pasqiuni's pizzaria opened in the neighborhood
> >> with no bottle over $20 and many around the $11 mark. Shortly after
> >> this, Swing Thai lowered their wine prices so that decent bottles can
> >> be had for $14. Then another downtown restaurant started offering
> >> bottles for half price before 7:00. I hope these are not all
> >> coincidental, and that they are trying to compete. Just two weeks ago
> >> I ate in a wine bar-restaurant in San Diego, and they had good
> >> Australian Shriaz for $7 a bottle.
> >>
> >> Lobster
> >>
> >>
> > In California a restaurant has to allow you to bring a bottle of wine into
> > the restaurant and drink it. They can, and do, charge you a "corkage fee",
> > usually $10, occasionally $15, and rarely $30+. Wine prices here in
> > restaurants have skyrocked as well and this is one way to decrease the
> > price a bit. You buy a bottle of "two buck Chuck" mask the label in some
> > way and go to your favorite restaurant. I usually take in a reasonably
> > priced good wine that the somnelier won't recognize.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Kent
> In the Philly area it seems most new restaurants opening up are BYOB's,
> which eliminate this issue. To fight back, many restaurants with a liquor
> license have started allowing diners to bring there own wine and charging a
> small corkage fee. This was pretty much unheard if a few years ago.
> I like the trend. The same Argentinean Malbec that cost me $41 at Taquet in
> Wayne last year, can be had from the state store for $17. I'd rather put the
> money saved towards better food anyway.
> Jon
The reason you see more BYOB's open up is because communities have
tightened up the liquor licenses in the past few years.
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