"Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message

> Dee.Dee wrote:
>> "Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> The big screen in nice, but so is the furniture.
>> I think so, too. I have a rocker/lounger, but DH sits in one of those
>> all hard wood old-fashioned straight-back rockers (ethan allen style
>> probably) without any seat pad or back pad. He will watch a movie in
>> this
>> thing -- it's also a sight-for-sore eyes. He says it fits his style.
>> Knowing him for 38 years, I know what he means by that. :-)))
> The TV's on the wall behind me as I sit at the desk at this, my primary,
> computer. So for years I've had a small rectangular mirror that has about
> the same aspect ratio as my television either velcroed to the bezel of my
> monitor, or beside my monitor, for casually monitoring TV. When something
> catches my ear or eye, I'll go watch; otherwise I partially-watch there in
> the mirror. I've been doing this long enough that reading screen titles
> and graphics backwards is second nature. Given that acquired ability,
> the only thing that still looks "wrong" (for a split second) is that
> whenever a batter hits the ball he runs to third base. 
I hope you have handy volume control on that TV -- sometimes it gets pretty
The reason DH likes that stiff-backed rocker is that it is low to the floor;
that means it's not far to fall to/on his knees when someone SCORES!!!!!
Dee Dee