In article >,
"Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> Goomba38 > dropped this
> : in
> > LOL.
> > Seriously though, I think breaking them into the test bowl first is
> > require in Kosher cooking?
> Ya' know, you just might be right. I'll have to ask either Steven or
> Margaret... maybe Bubba will know. I've never given it much thought but
> Steven always breaks eggs into a test bowl. Hmmm... I just thought it was
> one of his "learned" quirks from his mother. She was an excellent cook BTW.
> > I think in all my years I've probably only gotten 3-4 icky eggs. But it
> > is a small step that has potential to save me from wasted ingredients.
> I don't recall ever getting a bad egg. I think cracking open a bloody egg
> would turn me off eggs for awhile.
A tiny spot of blood doesn't bother me. Lots of blood would, but I've
never seen that.
Electricians do it in three phases