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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Cooking Under Pressure

In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:

> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote
> > Early on after her accident I delivered a meal of beef stew. My Alex,
> > you'd have thought I'd brought in the crown jewels! <g>

> Well, why not, the Queen was bringing it!


> That was really nice of you to do for them.

Church-organized. Nice kids. I relate to the younger folks better than
I do most of the people my age. It's a problem. I don't think the
younger ones are especially interested in being my friends, though.

> I am sure their customers don't notice, and if they do, they aren't doing
> the math to see what the real price per pound the meat winds up.
> (badly worded)

I know what you mean. I took pains to explain it very carefully to the
young woman who was next to me at the bin as I was fuming about it.
Then she took one out and put it in her cart. Oh, well.

> Good for you. If I want to add solution to my meat, I'd rather
> make my own.


> She's going to learn a lot from you! Sorry to hear about her hip.

It'll be fun. She's younger than Beck and the break was inoperable.
Had to heal of its own. The littles are 3-1/2 and 7 (now 9) months and
until two weeks ago she was on a hospital bed in the living room. I
hooked her up with a better doc (being from a large family is SO
advantageous sometimes; we have or have connections to all the important
professions) and she's up and around now, down to one crutch. :-)

> nancy

I'll email you with a funny story about the 3-year-old.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ; check the second note and
tell me if you knowwhat it is.
Laissez les bons temps rouler!