A new Joy...at least to me
"blake murphy" wrote
hahabogus wrote:
>>>>>> Today I rotisserated a chicken which isn't abnormal...but I tried
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> sweet chile sauce with that chicken as a dipping sauce....I believe
>>>>>> they
>>>>>> are a good match and taste very good together. I have a new love; at
>>>>>> least
>>>>>> in taste sensations.
Wonderful way. Been doing that ourselves too.
>>>>> Do you have a particular brand to suggest?
>>>>Mae Ploy Thai Sweet Chili Garlic sauce is 'da bomb. I've tried
>>>>them all.
Flying Horse for me. Mae Ploy may be good but this one is low sodium. A
bit milder on the heat scale too which my family prefers ;-(
>>>>I still doctor it up a little to appease my SE Asian taste buds,
>>>>but for commoners, it's the best sauce out there right out of the
Curious, what do you think of 'Flying Horse'? We do not have a choice on
having to go low sodium so some of the other higher ones, we have not
>>I need some more of the sweet chili sauce and some more soy sauce this
>>when I pick up my veggies (Veg comes in from ATL on Wednesday night; this
Look for Datu Puti soy sauce. Ignore that it's lower sodium (you will not
taste that at all) but it's a well true brewed soy.
>>know that they'll have whole fish that week and I want to make sure that I
>>don't have anything else planned for dinner that evening!
> will you eat the eyeballs?
With soup <g>.