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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Cooking Under Pressure

"Melba's Jammin'" wrote

>> I am sure their customers don't notice, and if they do, they aren't doing
>> the math to see what the real price per pound the meat winds up.
>> (badly worded)

> I know what you mean. I took pains to explain it very carefully to the
> young woman who was next to me at the bin as I was fuming about it.
> Then she took one out and put it in her cart. Oh, well.

So might I depending on what the solution was. If it was salt solution no
(sodium restrictions but they have to post that if it has sodium).

Here's why: at 12%, that 3$ cut actually costs about 3.36lb. If I can get
to a store without that added 36cents without spending more than 36 cents
gas to get there, I might do it. If I needed say 5-6 lbs of that meat it
may be worth it to go elsewhere but only if they werent charging more than
3$ a lb.

I was talking with my guys at work last night (night shift, 5pm to 5am) and
we got on the subject of shopping. 'T-bone' (nickname for one of the guys)
has no real shopping or cooking skills. His live in gilfriend has been
slowly swinging him around and he said she's put her foot down and he's
never allowed to grocery shop alone. Seems a few weeks ago she had the
winter flu and he tried to do her a 'favor' to the tune of 350$ worth of
premade TV dinners etc. He's mystified at how she only asks him for 75$
every 2 weeks. Now, he's suffering as she gave him 75$ and he's had to make
do the rest of the month <g>.