Thread: rubbed sage?
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Grant Erwin Grant Erwin is offline
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Posts: 87
Default rubbed sage?

Before I ask another ignorant question, let me preface it with a short tale:
I used to be an applications engineer, flying hither and yon at the whim of
the corporate world. One time I'd just returned from an exhausting trip to
Europe and Israel, during which Ben Gurion Airport went on strike for 24 hours.
That's another story, but let me just mention that Israel is full of people
walking around with machine guns. That day it was about 110 degrees at the
airport, and it was full of people screaming and carrying machine guns. Not a
good day to get a headache. Anyway, I'd just gotten back from this very wearing
business trip and I got sent immediately off again, this time to Austin. I was
standing in the car rental line at the airport, which felt exactly like every
other airport in the world, hot, airless, full of tired people. Out of the
corner of my weary eye I saw a small brown man speaking another foreign
language. I'd heard a lot of things said in the previous week I didn't
understand, and I wasn't really paying attention. My fatigued brain, just
back from the Middle East, informed me he was probably Egyptian. Suddenly, I
snapped into a slightly more aware mental state - that man wasn't Egyptian,
or even Mexican. He was local, and he was speaking Texan! :-)

I can communicate OK with people from Texas usually. I remember seeing a
large man walk up, holding a tool, and ask an Austin pawnbroker, "Where
this hecho'd at?" and being able to translate just fine.

However, reading a sausage recipe last night, I realized I was up against
my ignorance again. It called for "rubbed sage". I have several sage plants
in my herb garden, and I cook with them all the time. What the heck is rubbed
sage, though?


Grant Erwin
bbq newbie, make that dang near virgin

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