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Virginia Tadrzynski Virginia Tadrzynski is offline
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Default Cooking Under Pressure

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "cshenk" > wrote:
>> "Melba's Jammin'" wrote
>> >> I am sure their customers don't notice, and if they do, they aren't
>> >> doing
>> >> the math to see what the real price per pound the meat winds up.
>> >> (badly worded)
>> >
>> > I know what you mean. I took pains to explain it very carefully to the
>> > young woman who was next to me at the bin as I was fuming about it.
>> > Then she took one out and put it in her cart. Oh, well.

>> So might I depending on what the solution was. If it was salt solution
>> no
>> (sodium restrictions but they have to post that if it has sodium).
>> Here's why: at 12%, that 3$ cut actually costs about 3.36lb. If I can
>> get
>> to a store without that added 36cents without spending more than 36 cents
>> gas to get there, I might do it. If I needed say 5-6 lbs of that meat it
>> may be worth it to go elsewhere but only if they werent charging more
>> than
>> 3$ a lb.

> I try to shop where I can buy what I need and what I want at reasonable
> prices. I can justify the shopping trip by doing other errands in the
> same area. Business is business and if i want good quality it sometimes
> costs more. Sometimes I'm quite willing to pay a higher price,
> sometimes I am not. Sometimes I'm willing to go quite a distance for
> it; In this case I bought ~14# of meat and other stuff and used less
> than a gallon of gas in the doing. "The bottom line" isn't always about
> dollars and cents.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
>; check the second note and
> tell me if you knowwhat it is.
> Laissez les bons temps rouler!

At the risk of being flamed for mentioning his name, that was the whole
premise behind Jeff Smith's Frugal Gourmet. Frugal does not necessarily
mean cheap. It means getting your money's worth.

You go girl, do you use coupons too?