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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Cooking Under Pressure

"Goomba38" wrote
> cshenk wrote:
>> "Melba's Jammin'" wrote

>>> I know what you mean. I took pains to explain it very carefully to the
>>> young woman who was next to me at the bin as I was fuming about it.
>>> Then she took one out and put it in her cart. Oh, well.

>> So might I depending on what the solution was. If it was salt solution
>> no (sodium restrictions but they have to post that if it has sodium).

> What else would it be if not a sodium laden "broth" as they call it?

In Asia, sometimes a non-salty broth and it's in modest amounts (2-4%). I
dont automatically refuse 'injected meats' but check to see what was added.
Plenty of recipes actually use an injector to add a bit of broth or
something else with seasonings.

Kobe beef and it's knockoff cousin often has some small amount of a broth
injected, at least in my experience in Japan. This was also known and not
'hidden'. I know because I had to get the second version (they had 2, one
used a bit more salt than I wanted, the other used none but had a small
amount of MSG which in moderation, we can use).

MSG BTW, does have sodium but far less than in table salt. So if you are
sodium reduced (not restricted but the more common 'reduced' at
1,500-2,000mg), it can be an effective way to add flavor while reducing salt
use. Obviously, use in moderation.