Calling all chili pepper experts
On 2008-01-30, Scott > wrote:
>> How to use fresh chiles is another consideration. You
>>> can significantly reduce the heat of the chile by removing the
>>> placenta, the
>>> white pith with the seeds. I prefer to just slice the chiles in half
>>> and add chile halves to the chili. In tasting while the chili cooks,
>>> you can stop the
>>> some of the heat by removing chiles, but I never get the chili spicy
>>> enough with fresh chiles.
>> Good Idea!
> One last question before I do this, should I soak the chiles in water
> beforehand or just slice in half and throw into the mix?
No need to hydrate them before throwing them in the pot -- They'll get
hydrated quickly after you throw them in the pot.
Clay Irving >
Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp
- or what's a heaven for? -- Robert Browning