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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Cooking Under Pressure - Report

In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> At 15 psi, to be exact. :-)
> Tomorrow morning I will visit a young mom I've been helping out
> occasionally (broken hip, 2 littles, husband who has been home taking
> care of her and the littles for 3 months). Her sister will be there,
> too.

I'm just back from my day with the ladies. :-) We had a great time
together. I brought my camera and forgot to take pics of the WIP !

We used a 6# boneless chuck and I had them trim it and cut it into
pieces. I browned it and then pressure cooked it in two batches. I
cooked the vegetables in some of the meat broth (celery, onions,
carrots, potatoes), added the meat to it along with more broth and we
called it done. And we called it stew.

For ~$20 we had six entrees for two people each; we divided the stew and
the meat that was cooked but not stew. One woman will make that into a
"Stroganoff-like" dish.

I was kind of amazed that the younger of the two didn't know much at all
about preparing meat. OTOH, she said that she's the baker in the family
and her husband does all (or most all) the dinner prep, so I guess that
makes some sense. :-) I'll find a couple sites with diagrams for her
to help her become familiar with where the various cuts come from on the
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ; check the second note and
tell me if you knowwhat it is.
Laissez les bons temps rouler!