On Jan 25, 8:40*pm, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> Christine Dabney > dropped m:in rec.food.cooking
> > Heya Cathy,
> > Remember me saying that I would try to copy that recipe for braised
> > cabbage for you? *Well..I didn't have to. *Molly Stevens has it up on
> > her website. *Here it is:
> >http://www.mollystevenscooks.com/recipes.php#recipe_2
> > It really is very, very good. *
> It looks good. I bookmarked the entire page. *I like the sausage recipe
> directly beneath it too.
> Michael
I made both last weekend. The sausages with plums was great, the
cabbage.... take it or leave it. I love cabbage and I thought the
result of this recipe was very average.
> --
> Check out our newest addition to the household... This is 'Bitz. *She is a
> baby we rescued from a shelter in Clanton Alabama.
> http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2e51ibt&s=3
> To email - michael at lonergan dot us dot com