On Jan 26, 9:30*pm, "Andy <q>" <q> wrote:
> MG said...
> > "Jean B." > wrote in message
> ...
> >> PeterLucas wrote:
> >>>http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/sear...gtons&publicat
> >>> ion=
> >>> and enjoy the hell out of them with a nice cup of tea, or coffee.
> >> Odd. *My calendar claims it is on the 28th, and even allowing for the
> >> time difference, it wouldn't be the 28th there.
> >> --
> >> Jean B.
> > naaa, the public holiday is on the 28th, the actual date of Australia
> > Day is the 26th
> > we do love our public holidays here in Oz
> Have a canned Bunderburg rum'n'coke and a few Coopers ales and a grey
> kangaroo steak and a floater from the cart outside the Adelaide casino for
> me?
> Flip the bird to the wallys in Iron Knob on your way by.
Here it is called *giving the finger* or other variations... or as my
grandsons say "the rude finger".
> And if you're in Quorn, I left my tripod at the hotel/bar across from the
> ("Galippoli") train station. Check up on it for me. It's behind the bar,
> last I heard.
> And wave to the "Big Galah" in Kimba for me?
> And thank all the spiders and snakes for not biting me to death!
> And F*$k the kiwis! 
> Andy- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -