Mark Thorson wrote:
> Quoting from:
> Video footage being released today shows workers
> at a California slaughterhouse delivering repeated
> electric shocks to cows too sick or weak to stand
> on their own; drivers using forklifts to roll the
> "downer" cows on the ground in efforts to get them to
> stand up for inspection; and even a veterinary version
> of waterboarding in which high-intensity water sprays
> are shot up animals' noses -- all violations of state
> and federal laws designed to prevent animal cruelty
> and to keep unhealthy animals, such as those with
> mad cow disease, out of the food supply.
> schools.shtml
> The Humane Society of the United States released
> a videotape today on Jan 30, 2008 suggesting that
> poor families, elderly people and school children
> participating in the school luncheon program
> sponsored by the U.S. government may have eaten
> sick and abused cow meat and may be at high risk
> of mad cow disease.
> In the video, cows that are too sick to pass the
> United States Department of Agriculture inspection
> are subject to a range of tortures to stimulate
> them to walk through the inspection.
> The downers are not supposed to be processed into
> any meat intended for human consumption.
But how else can we maintain those "everyday low prices" at the big box