Cooking Under Pressure
Melba's Jammin' and dull knife wrote the following:
> > > ...wrote to the
> > > corporate office with the details of your experience!!
> > I might have done what you suggest in my younger days. But now that
> > I'm a senior citizen, I leave the complaining up to someone else to
> > prevent stress.
> That's funny. I write my complaint letters in order to alleviate my
> stress. :-0) Stating my dissatisfaction with a policy, practice, or
> situation lets me feel like I "did something" instead of just bitched
> about it to a friend. I believe in voting with my feet and I like to
> give folks a second chance, too.
I voted with my feet. Like I said, when I was younger I might have
done more, but life is short and I'd rather spend it baking bread and
watching Rachael Ray (wowie zowie!) than writing complaints.
> > Sadly, this employee will likely eventually mess up again.
> If his bosses don't know of his poor customer relations how can they be
> expected to intervene so it doesn't repeat?
Once I left the store I had no interest one way or another if it
happened again. Life's easier and less stressful (for me) that way.
My experience is there's little to be gained in trying to improve
customer relations. Besides, remember your Traditional Western Values.
Be accepting of your fate. Be stoic in the face of adversity. Don't
complain. Also, work is good for work's sake and for the soul.
> > Organizations like that (gov't, too, it's everywhere) are structured to
> > back up employees no matter how incompetent they are. It would be a
> > waste of time.
> There were two people behind the counter and...
> The next day when I went back for the third prescription there were 7
> people behind the counter and the District Manager was one of them...
> he was, in a sense, "backing up his employees," but it looked like
> better customer service in the end.
Chalk one up for you. I've never had anything like this happen to me.
In my case, the district manager would have removed an employee because
experience tells him that 95% of people who wait 45 minutes will wait
another 15 minutes, and he saves more money by removing the employee
than he loses by having a few people walk because they have to wait an
hour instead of 45 minutes.
Something like that, anyway.
> > I think there'll be less of this when times get tougher.
> Well, I'm interested in Target's success and when times are tougher and
> situations need improvement, it's nice to know exactly where the
> improvement needs to happen.
I'm not optimistic about big-box stores if we have hard times. I just
don't know what will replace them. Our main street, one a vibrant
commercial center with national names and good local stores, is now a
crime-ridden area with gambling, Jesus establishments, pawn shops, bars
and boutique businesses with no place to go. A good old-fashioned
depression is going to be very interesting when it arrives.
> > Besides, I wouldn't have discovered Freddies if this hadn't happened.
> > I'm happy, it's a union shop.
> Well, there you go! :-)
> I hope the union represents its workers well so they can serve their
> customers well.
I hope so, too. Whenever I talk to a manager I remind him that I shop
there for two reasons. Union shop and nice produce bags. Oh, and I
complain about the carrots. I ate a whole bunch and then couldn't go
to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I could see right through my
> > Best wishes to you.
> Thank you * back atcha.
I appreciate that.