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PeterLucas[_4_] PeterLucas[_4_] is offline
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Default It's Australia Day.... go cook a Lamington.

Serene > wrote in

> PeterLucas wrote:

>> tion=
>> and enjoy the hell out of them with a nice cup of tea, or coffee.

> The Australian woman who runs our corner bakery says that in
> Australia, they're really only eaten at kids' birthday parties and
> the like. Is that so?

She's been away from home *way* too long!!

If I'm feeling lazy, I buy some and we have them with a late night cup
of tea, or if friends are comig over and I feel inclined, I make them
(although mine are never as 'neat' as the bought ones!!).

And I've been to quite a few friends places for visits and they bring
out the lamingtons.

Chocolate crackles and fairy bread are for kids birthday parties :-)

> I didn't care for them, but they're cute.

Last couple of batches I've been trying different types of chocolate.
I'm trying to get one with a Swiss chocolate and roasted coconut

At the moment, they come out with a hard coating. still nice..... but
not the same.

Peter Lucas

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you will reside in the land of morning mists...and you will find your
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