It's Australia Day.... go cook a Lamington.
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It's Australia Day.... go cook a Lamington.
Miche > wrote in news:micheinnz-
> In article >,
> PeterLucas > wrote:
>> Serene > wrote in
>> :
>> > The Australian woman who runs our corner bakery says that in
>> > Australia, they're really only eaten at kids' birthday parties and
>> > the like. Is that so?
>> She's been away from home *way* too long!!
>> If I'm feeling lazy, I buy some and we have them with a late night
>> of tea, or if friends are comig over and I feel inclined, I make them
>> (although mine are never as 'neat' as the bought ones!!).
> Mum used to make them for our school lunches when we were kids. Every
> now and then she'd get bored with making brown or pink ones and make
> green, yellow or orange.
You're only limited by the range of food colouring, or jelly crystals,
you have on hand :-)
Peter Lucas
You will travel through the valley of rejection;
you will reside in the land of morning mists...and you will find your
though it will not be where you left it.
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