Thread: Where to Order?
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Default Where to Order?

"Tea" > wrote in message
> I would call Mitsuwa Marketplace in Edgewater NJ. It is 20 minutes from

> York, and has unfrozen fish all the time.
> "Chris" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Does anyone know where I can order fresh, never been frozen, true
> > bluefin loin, ether maguro or toro, in quantities of 1 or 2 pounds?
> > This is going to New York.
> >
> > Thanks
> >


I wonder if the Tuna at Mitsuwa or any other Japanese food store is really
"never frozen" though.
I say this because a great majority of tuna that arrives in the fish markets
in Japan arrive in flash frozen
form, the fish being frozen at sea. If the Japanese food stores in the US
are buying tuna airshipped from
Japan then I'd think most of that would have been frozen once.
On the other hand I have seen whole unfrozen tuna caught in local waters in
fish markets in Japan. Also,
if any of the stores in the US are buying from the Tuna fishermen of the US
Northeast (Massachusetts being the
biggest USNE supplier of bluefin, but Long Island amd NJ also) then I guess
that they might be
getting "never frozen" tuna. I do know that in Japan "once frozen" is not
considered detrimental to the texture
or taste.