On Fri 01 Feb 2008 02:13:37a, Little Malice told us...
> One time on Usenet, Wayne Boatwright > said:
>> On Thu 31 Jan 2008 10:31:18p, Sqwertz told us...
>> > On Fri, 01 Feb 2008 05:23:15 GMT, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> >
>> >> On Thu 31 Jan 2008 10:12:46p, Sqwertz told us...
>> >>
>> >>> On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 20:10:02 -0600, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> When I make chili con carne,...
>> >>>
>> >>> Chile CON CARNE? What is this, 1950?
>> >>
>> >> Is there something wrong with 1950? I thuoght it was a very good
>> >> year.
>> >
>> > I'm thinking it was more 60's and 70's now. Nowadays the terms
>> > a Chili, Chili W/Beans, and Vegetarian Chili.
>> >
>> > "Chili con Carne" always reminds me of the 'Alice' episode where
>> > Art Carney appears as Vera's cousin to promote Mel's chili.
>> > I haven't seen the phrase actually used in practice for a decade
>> > or three. We all know chili has meat! Always did.
>> >
>> > This is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night, yaknow.
>> >
>> > -sw
>> No, you can definitely include the 1950s in there. I have cookbooks
>> from the period, as well as a couple of handwritten recipes and
>> clippings from the same time that are call it Chili Con Carne. The
>> earliest one, a recipe card from a friend of my mother's was from 1949.
> Here's an eBay image from a 1951 advertisement:
> http://auctionpix.us/sherblay/pics/21290a.jpg
Yep, that's one of the things I remember. Not eating the canned, as mom
always made it, but the products and recipes on the market at the time.
> I'm not sure why I'm up so late looking at this stuff.
Yeah, why are you up so late? Why am I up so early? Gad, I start work at
7:00 am, and it takes over an hour to get there. TGIF!
>> Don't lose too much sleep over it, Steve. :-)
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Wednesday, 01(I)/30(XXX)/08(MMVIII)
We're lost, but we're making good time.