Where to Order?
"Musashi" > wrote in message
> "Tea" > wrote in message
> ...
> > I would call Mitsuwa Marketplace in Edgewater NJ. It is 20 minutes from
> New
> > York, and has unfrozen fish all the time.
> > "Chris" > wrote in message
> > ...
> > > Does anyone know where I can order fresh, never been frozen, true
> > > bluefin loin, ether maguro or toro, in quantities of 1 or 2 pounds?
> > > This is going to New York.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> >
> I wonder if the Tuna at Mitsuwa or any other Japanese food store is really
> "never frozen" though.
> I say this because a great majority of tuna that arrives in the fish
> in Japan arrive in flash frozen
> form, the fish being frozen at sea. If the Japanese food stores in the US
> are buying tuna airshipped from
> Japan then I'd think most of that would have been frozen once.
> On the other hand I have seen whole unfrozen tuna caught in local waters
> fish markets in Japan. Also,
> if any of the stores in the US are buying from the Tuna fishermen of the
> Northeast (Massachusetts being the
> biggest USNE supplier of bluefin, but Long Island amd NJ also) then I
> that they might be
> getting "never frozen" tuna. I do know that in Japan "once frozen" is not
> considered detrimental to the texture
> or taste.
Most of their fish is flash frozen. However, the store's annual tuna
festival, they bring in a whole tuna that is NOT flash frozen and cut it up
in front of the crowd (I have photos).
I would check with them- I'm sure they would be able to answer you.