TN: Tin Roof Merlot
Last night, I whomped up a couple of respectable modified Napolitano Pizzas.
Normally, this would call for a raid upon my beer cache, but I was anxious
to open the bottle of 2005 Tin Roof Merlot. I had purchased it in a weak
moment, mainly because of the imaginative label.
It washed down the pizzas quite well. The nose was conspicuous for its
absence. The color befitted the light body, being neither vapid nor inky.
What predominated most was a plum overtone, although if one searched, there
were elements of cherry and tobacco leaves. They have achieved a reasonable
balance of elements to complement food of this type. However, it would be
difficult to imagine drinking this with any more complex foods.
On the Davis 20 point scale, I would award it a 14.