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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default PING: Chili Con Carne mavens

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> When I make chili con carne, I use ground beef, canned beans, onions,
> tomato stuff, chili powder, cumin ‹ that's pretty much it.
> Chuck roasts are on sale for $3/lb and I've got a couple. Can I just
> cut the roast into pieces and proceed as I normally would? What about
> doing a coarse grind with a meat grinder?
> I'm feeling adventurous. "-)
> Whaddaya say about my idea?
> Don't tell me to get anything else for this recipe; mostly I just want
> to know how I treat the meat if I start with a chuck roast instead
> ground beef.
> I await your counsel; if you want to flame me or cast aspersions, knock
> yourself out.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ

Any stewing/'boiling' meat works for making chili. Obviously a bit
pointless to use the best cuts for something that needs to simmer for a
couple of hours

Coarse ground is good; cut into small pieces is better. Won't comment on
the use of beans and tomatoes

Tastes better with pork IMHO.