"jay" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 09:16:53 -0800 (PST), Sheldon wrote:
>> On Feb 1, 11:56?am, "Gunner" > wrote:
>>> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> In article >,
>>>> Sqwertz > wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 20:10:02 -0600, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>>> > When I make chili con carne,...
>>>>> Chile CON CARNE? ?What is this, 1950?
>>>>> -sw
>>>> I thought you'd like that, Sweetums. ?When I was a kitten, that's what
>>>> it was called. ?And when I studied Espa?ol con los se?ores Sanchez y
>>>> Saucedo y la estimada se?ora Elvira Wright, I learned that chili is the
>>>> pepper and Chile is the country en sud america.
>>>> And it wasn't 1950; it was 1957.
>>> Except Chile is offically capsicum pepper in NM, chili is that meat stew
>>> Texicans eat, and Chilli is British via India.
>>> Chile con carne y frijoles: ?a chile sauce with meat and beans
>> Capitalized "Chile" is a country... otherwise "chile" is a variant of
>> the prefered "chili". The British spelling for "chili" is
>> "chilli"... whether it has to do with India you need to prove that.
>> http://merriamwebster.com/dictionary/chili
> Wow.. surprised Gunner didn't know this. He has been educating here on the
> subject for a long time. Come on Gunner you need to polish up on the
> lecture material and include proper/improper use of the capital c/C as
> well
> as the proper use of the *i* and or *e* in regard to the CON KARNEY.
> jay
Tsk, Tsk, You referenced your 4th grade school report again! Aren't you one
of those Dell transplants that pretend to be a Texican?
jay, you pulled that on-line dictionary defination BS last time. I'm sure
you think the Euro-centric viewpoint is accurate such as Plymouth Rock was
the first European colony and such, but just becasue some New Englander says
it is so does not make it so. Get back to me when you have actually
researched where the Anglicization of the word "Chile" came from. BTW, I
was just in the store today and saw rows of Mexican canned Chile Colorado &
Chile Verde, as well as I picked up some Chile Pasilla Molido.