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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Default Cooking Under Pressure

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 12:51:45 -0800, dull knife
> wrote:

>In article >,
>Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>> Target...
>> And i've never had a problem with their general
>> merchandise section, either. The stores are clean. To each one's own.

>No reflection on you and your good vibes, Melba, but I had an
>I probably spent $1000/yr. in the local Target store on all of my minor
>kitchen appliances, cameras, Christmas presents, bedding, CD's and
>DVD's, video recorders and televisions. Stuff adds up.
>So one day I'm in the local store minding my own business looking at
>CD's. A boy about 8/9-y.o. runs up and says, Where's my mother? I
>said, I don't know, maybe you're an orphan now. Kid runs off and finds
>mommie, who was in the next aisle and overheard me. She complains to
>the manager (assistant manager, a kid, about 20 y.o.) that I
>traumatized her precious child, so he comes up to me and asks me to
>leave the store.
>I asked, Why? He says, This lady complained about you calling her kid
>an orphan. I said, The real problem here is she let her kid run wild
>in the store to bother your customers, so she's actually violated a
>store policy, which I haven't. You should go ask _her_ to leave.
>He says, She's got a whole cart of goods and I don't see you have
>anything, so I'd rather you leave. I left and haven't been back since.
>There's a Freddies right down the street and they have everything
>Target has. Too bad for the local Safeway across the street from
>Target because I buy groceries at Freddie's now, as long as I'm there.

Funny story. Thanks.
