Thread: Suddenly Ill
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Dan Logcher
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Default Suddenly Ill (not from sushi)

Sandy wrote:

> My husband and I went out for Sushi this past Saturday night. We aren't
> terribly adventurous in our Sushi-eating; mostly maguro, hamachi, and
> salmon. We had these items along with the nice cucumber/crab salad and
> some miso soup. Both of us had to excuse ourselves from the table, me
> first, then him, and had the "D" word in the bathroom. This happened
> twice to me in the same evening, and I've been fine since. Only a
> little nausea today, but nothing Sunday.
> This ever happen to anyone eating Sushi? Should I be concerned?

You should be concerned, because food poison takes a bit longer
than that. So chances are you got it elsewhere (or this is fake).

Some food poisoning can take up to 48 hours to hit you, so think
about the last two days worth of meals. One of them was tainted.
