TN: Tin Roof Merlot
Lawrence Leichtman wrote:
> In article >,
> Godzilla > wrote:
>> Last night, I whomped up a couple of respectable modified Napolitano
>> Pizzas. Normally, this would call for a raid upon my beer cache, but I
>> was anxious to open the bottle of 2005 Tin Roof Merlot. I had purchased
>> it in a weak moment, mainly because of the imaginative label.
>> It washed down the pizzas quite well. The nose was conspicuous for its
>> absence. The color befitted the light body, being neither vapid nor inky.
>> What predominated most was a plum overtone, although if one searched,
>> there were elements of cherry and tobacco leaves. They have achieved a
>> reasonable balance of elements to complement food of this type. However,
>> it would be difficult to imagine drinking this with any more complex
>> foods.
>> On the Davis 20 point scale, I would award it a 14.
>> Godzilla
> Is Tin Roof from Los Olivos?
It comes from Tin Roof Cellars.